Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Potty Training Update

I have decided to put the potty training on hold for now. It has become very apparent that Miss T.'s mom is not ready to be an active participant in the process which will only confuse Miss T. and make the whole thing way longer and way more frustrating than it needs to be. I don't take things like this personally because the are many reasons parents are not ready for potty training. None of them have anything to do with me, although I do sometimes get frustrated by a lack of directness in them simply not expressing their desire to wait a little longer before potty training. Personally, I have also found that waiting longer also may mean having to undo a more deeply ingrained habit.

I think the most common reason I have experienced is an apparent desire to keep their toddler as a baby. This especially happens to parents who work long hours and are not able to see their littles very much during the day. Some parents have a hard time imagining that their little one has already developed so much that they are capable such independence.

It is possible that Miss T. could get used to using the potty while I'm there and diapers when I'm not but this is usually more the case in daycares where there is more separation between what is done at home versus what is done at "school." Trying to do this in a home setting may just end up as too confusing for her. Unfortunately for Miss T. her mom would like her to start at a fancy preschool this fall that I am certain does not do diaper changes. I was hoping that by transitioning now this would not be an issue. Developmentally she is ready. She is very communicative, aware of her goings, and physically able to do it but the mixed messages she is receiving are making her less willing to use the potty. Plus her rewards for using the potty are being given out simply by her asking for them, or worse screaming for them. Not by me, of course, but they are fast losing their motivational potential. As with any type of training, whether it concerns social behaviors or the potty, consistency is key.

I am not usually one to stop something once it is started but at this time I do not see another choice that does not entail a confrontation with Miss T.'s mom. These are almost never helpful so unless it is a severe matter concerning the health and well-being of a child I forgo them and instead take a step back. Circumstances will arise when the transition will need to be made and mom and dad will have less leeway to go around it. Once they are taking the lead and fully on board it will happen.

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