I use a very detailed contract. It states my pay rate, hours, sick and vacation time, of course, but it also goes over the duties I will fulfill for a family, what I will not do, my style of discipline, what to do in case of an emergency and various other things. Each year those details will change slightly in the way that a home management binder or curriculum changes year to year. I try to formulate new goals with a family. The goal might be to have a little one potty trained or to spend a minimum number of hours per week on preschool skills or physical activity.
When meeting a new family I bring a sample of my contract with me so they can see up front what I am about and I can also see their reactions to my style. I kind of look at my style as Mary Poppins
Contracts need to be tailored to each nanny and family but if anyone would like a sample please leave a comment and I can email you a copy in Word format. It is a starting point. Not every detail in these contracts may be legally binding and laws vary state to state, so if you are in doubt contact a lawyer!
I think this is the first time I've ever commented here but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. My mother, daughter and I were both nannies at different times in our life. You have a lot of wisdom for one so young. A detailed contract is a wonderful idea.
I can relate to how difficult it is to potty train, establish new habits, etc. when the parents aren't fully cooperating for whatever reason.
I know it is your dream to stay home and raise a family of your own. I hope that your husband will want that soon, too.
Thank you so much for your comments, Sabine! My family has three nannies too, including two of my very close cousins. Ironically my own mother was raised by a nanny.
Hubby and I are both want to start a family in the near future, God willing. It all a matter of time :)
I am interested in your contract.... can you email it to me? michellyann@gmail.com
I am a nanny for a family with a 5 year old and a 3 year old. It's a short term gig - for about 3 mos - while they are in a transition phrase. The parents work from home, so it's hard to establish your role as an "authority figure," and most days I feel this immense pressure to be the kids entertainment directors all day long. Any words of wisdom? It's getting to be pretty draining!
Thanks so much.... and thanks for sharing!
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