Not that I suspect anyone is reading, LOL. As a quick update, mom is doing well. She is so strong and is coping with all the changes that have come her way during her battle. It is scary whenever something comes up but so far each trial has been overcome. Thank God!
I am feeling that my work with Miss T. may be coming to a close. I am at odds with the parenting style of my employers. I am authoritative they are permissive. I don't criticize employers who have a style at odds with mine but this one in particular is difficult to deal with. This combination undermines my authority and makes working with them at home unpleasant. They are often at home which adds to the situation but it is irritating to have the lessons I work with Miss T. on during the day undone each night. Lessons such as not hitting, listening when spoken to, and being helpful I believe are very important at this tender age of two. Things become very unpleasant indeed when these are ignored.
There is also an issue of being directly undermined because Miss T. has learned to cry very loudly if at all corrected when Mom and Dad are home because this way she is sure to get whatever it was that was formerly forbidden or get away from whatever she was being encouraged to do, such as toy clean-up. This kind of giving in to crying is a sure formula for ensuring she will consistently cry for things and eventually tantrum for them. It always shocks me when parents virtually train their kids to be criers and whiners by not simply letting "yes" mean "yes" and "no" mean "no." When Miss T. and I are are alone together she is a joy. She knows whatever reward I tell her she will get she does but doing good things. She knows the limits even when she tests them she is easily redirected with a word or a nod. But the rest of the time there is no consistency, "yes" means "maybe" and "no" means "yes, if you cry hard enough."
But, leaving is such a hard thing for me. I get anxious as to how the children will cope with loss and change. Parents ofter develop sudden separation anxiety too. I give a month of notice for adequate time to find a replacement and a month can feel like a very LOOOONG time when there is tension.
I am very picky about the families I will work with but I think I am looking for a change in career. I have wanted to explore teaching on a formal level for a while so this is the direction I will try to go in. Until the day I have my own kiddies or until my love wants me to stay home full time I will find some decent work to do. We are saving for a home so it is pretty important for me to work right now.
God bless you, everyone!
Y, I came here to read your blog because we work in the same field. I had to smile at your description of Miss T. Be encouraged: you're doing the right thing by giving her boundaries and consistency. I know personally the frustration of having parents undermine your work, but I guess in the long run they are the parents and it is their choice how they raise their child (even when we can see all the pitfalls of their parenting style).
Go after that dream of formal teaching. It's hard work, but worth it!
Thanks Jules! How awesome to see you popped in! I really think I will pursue teaching, its got that nurturing groove with boundaries built in ;)
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