Yesterday and today have been hot and humid! I tolerate heat pretty well up through the nineties then I had better cool down. Poor Miss T. loves to be outside but turns flushed, sticky, and not up to much quick. Since her parents haven't yet caught up with the quick change of temperature little Miss T. is still without a kiddie pool to chill out in.
My solution is to find some shade (either in the shadow of the house itself, under a tree, or even in the garage), a bucket of cool water, and anything child safe from which water can be poured. With these meager tools plus some drinking water for the two of us Miss T. has been cooled down and entertained for hours on end these past two days. I dress her in something that can get wet and let her splash and pour to her heart's content. She waters her own head as much as she waters the flowers with her little watering can filled and re-filled from her bucket. At the hottest part of the day I put the bucket at a step for her to sit down and dip and kick her feet in it.
With other families I've used the bathtub as a kiddie pool. I even let the kids put on their bathing suits to get in the tub with tepid water. With three or fewer kids these methods work great and use up a lot less water than running a sprinkler continuously.
A water-play bucket can even be used in conjunction with a sprinkler if there are older kids and younger kids playing in the same area. Children two and under are often afraid of a larger body of water and may not like the cold spray of a sprinkler. A bucket of water is also more easily adjusted in temperature. Most kids like it cool but not cold.
A few bath toys and plastic cups are plenty. Miss T. loves a mixing bowl and measuring cups to make "soup."
Just a few tips for safe water play:
- Never leave a child unattended with even a small amount of water.
- If you use your regular cleaning bucket make sure it is thoroughly rinsed free of any residue of cleaning products even if you use natural, non-toxic ones. It may be easier to simply get them their own bucket from the dollar store.
- Play water gets dirty fast so I discourage children from trying to drink it. Keep a sippy cup with drinking water handy and if it is still a problem give them slotted spoons and sieves rather than cups.
- I also discourage standing in the water bucket or running around with wet feet, both are fast ways to get a good boo-boo.
- Dress in something you don't mind getting wet too. You will get wet! If your weather is like mine here in VA you'll find a way to get wet!!
Photp by: http://flickr.com/photos/mydailycommute/40893069/
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