Thursday, July 26, 2007

Learning to "Go Potty" - Days Three and Four

Yesterday was not a great day in the potty training department due to a nasty diaper rash Miss T. developed the previous evening. She had gone in her pull-ups while out and about with her parents and no one realized it. When it came to their attention it was too late. It is a terrible side effect of some medication she is on. It makes things odorless and as caustic as battery acid. Poor baby!

The effect of the diaper rash has been to make her very nervous about going. She stays dry fine until she is asleep then nature and unconsciousness take over. So yesterday was the day to apply creams and ointments to clear things up and today was the day to rebuild confidence. I've been discussing with her the benefits of going on the potty with a clear emphasis on "no more diaper rashes." She likes the sound of that. After a couple small tinklings she relaxed today as she realized it was no longer burning her. I am doing my best not to stress her on mastering this new skill and the encouragement of stickers and gold stars are working well with her :)

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