Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oh! The Many Blogs I Read

I have to admit the majority of the time I spend on the net is spent reading blogs. I love that there are so many godly women out there giving of themselves through their writings on various subjects while at the same time managing their homes and children. It is so inspirational!

Now if anyone should happen to read this fledgling blog o'mine, should a person ask permission before linking to another blog? As in putting another person's blog title in the list of blogs I read? Granted, doing so would mean I have to learn that whole linking procedure but I just wanted to make sure first it is allowable! I am on a mission to find a good manual and learn how spruce this place up too!


The Ramblin' Rat said...

I'm the same as you. I have a list of blogs 10 miles long that I love to read. Many are so encouraging, it helps me get through the day.

As far as asking permission, I have no clue. I'm a newbie blogger as well!

Mrs. Cote said...

Welcome and thanks for commenting! It is such an experience never knowing if someone will actually read what you write and if it will matter if they do, right? I will let you know if I find this answer out!

wendybirde said...

Hi There, I saw your comment on Echo From the Green Hills and followed over. You dont really have to ask permission to link, but if its a personal blog its definitely nice to tell them youve just linked to them--and usually they will be happy you did : )

Blessings on your blogging... I used to be nanny years ago and found it it incredibly difficult and demanding. I suppose a lot depends on the family you are with though, as I did have one really excellent experience. And I have a great deal of respect for what you are doing : )

Blessed Week : ) Wendy

Mrs. Cote said...

Thank you for giving me the "low down" on linking! :) Nanny work can be difficult, it gives me a chance to work on patience and humility and a regular basis ;) I have done counselling, worked retail, and tried a corporate job before but I always came back to doing what I think I am best at!