Action – Favorite action movie?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, I still squeal and cover my eyes at parts though!
Beautiful – Most beautiful performer?
The Indian actress who now advertises for Loreal cosmetics, Aishwarya Rai. I think she has the most unbelieveable eyes.
Comedy – Favorite comedy (TV or movie)?
As Time Goes By, I used to watch it on PBS but now it is on BBCA. I love the soothing, calm, dry humor of it. Next is Are You Being Served?
Drama – Favorite drama (TV or movie)?
An Iranian movie called Children of Heaven. It is so cute and sappy, I wish I could get my sweetheart to watch it but he will not "do" subtitles. A very close second was My Life with Michael Keaton, I bawl audibly during that one!
Event – Historic event that kept you riveted to the TV?
The live coverage on 9/11. I happened to be home sick that day laying on the couch and thinking I had to be in a feverish hallucination because it was not making sense to me.
Favorite – If you could only own and watch one DVD the rest of your life, what would it be?
None. I can't watch anything over and over. It ruins the experience for me. I like to mull over things and enjoy the memory even if I never see it again.
G – Favorite G rated movie?
I second Sound of Music. This is an exception to my rule about not watching movies over and over. I can watch this one every couple years :).
Head over heels – Which star were you in love with when you were younger?
Mel Gibson, I feel 15 writing that down.
Ice – Did you see the “Miracle on Ice” live (tape delayed) in 1980?
I don't think so. If I did I don't remember it.
Justice – Did you watch any of the famous O.J. Simpson chase down the freeway?
I watch it for about ten seconds then wondered how this slow motion escapade was even news.
King of the Thriller – Favorite Hitchcock movie?
I did not see them all so I really cannot say. I liked The Birds, but some others were just too creepy for me.
Laettner – Did you see Duke’s Christian Laettner make the winning shot against Kentucky?
Huh? This is in a language I have not yet decoded :)
MP3 Player – Do you own one?
No, I don't think I have any real use for one.
Never get enough – Which movie have you watched the most times and how many times have you seen it?
I think I have answered this one. I just don't repeat a lot of movies even, or especially, if I love them.
Opie – Opie or the Beaver?
I never liked either show!
Pride and Prejudice – Do you prefer A&E or 2005 release?
I didn't see the A&E one yet but I just saw the one with Ms. Knightly the other night. I really liked it.
Quality – Best TV show of all time?
I am going crazy over 24 these days so I won't answer this one yet. I think the best may be yet to come.
Remote control – Who is in charge in your house?
My sweetie, he has got that setup so complicated I am liable to set off something at NASA if I play with it.
Super Bowl – Game or commercials?
Television – How many in your house?
*hiding head* Four and there are only two of us in the house. We only watch one at a time though!
Ultimate – Who is your favorite movie star?
Grace Kelly, she always looked so gracious and elegant.
Victory – The best sporting event/game you’ve watched live on TV?
The Red Sox winning the World Series!
Walkman – Did you ever own a Sony Walkman?
Yes. But I hardly used it which is why I won't get an Mp3 player. It would likely suffer the same fate.
X – Movie you wish you had never watched?
Tons! My favorite cousin (3 years older than me) was a big horror movie fan growing up. I would watch with her all the time til they had no effect on me at all. Once I went away to college I stopped watching and now anything the least bit scary makes me twitch!
Yesterday – How many hours of media did you consume?
There is usually classical music playing in the background when I work. At home probably 1 1/2 hours of TV - commercials using the DVR.
ZZZ’s – Best music to fall asleep?
None, I will stay up listening if I play music. I can't tune it out.