Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Media Meme

A media meme has been started by A Gracious Home. It looks like a lot of fun but I really had to think because I don't often give my full attention to the things I watch and when I do it is usually something old! Anyway, here goes:

Action – Favorite action movie?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
, I still squeal and cover my eyes at parts though!

Beautiful – Most beautiful performer?
The Indian actress who now advertises for Loreal cosmetics, Aishwarya Rai. I think she has the most unbelieveable eyes.

Comedy – Favorite comedy (TV or movie)?
As Time Goes By, I used to watch it on PBS but now it is on BBCA. I love the soothing, calm, dry humor of it. Next is Are You Being Served?

Drama – Favorite drama (TV or movie)?
An Iranian movie called Children of Heaven. It is so cute and sappy, I wish I could get my sweetheart to watch it but he will not "do" subtitles. A very close second was My Life with Michael Keaton, I bawl audibly during that one!

Event – Historic event that kept you riveted to the TV?
The live coverage on 9/11. I happened to be home sick that day laying on the couch and thinking I had to be in a feverish hallucination because it was not making sense to me.

Favorite – If you could only own and watch one DVD the rest of your life, what would it be?
None. I can't watch anything over and over. It ruins the experience for me. I like to mull over things and enjoy the memory even if I never see it again.

G – Favorite G rated movie?
I second Sound of Music. This is an exception to my rule about not watching movies over and over. I can watch this one every couple years :).

Head over heels – Which star were you in love with when you were younger?
Mel Gibson, I feel 15 writing that down.

Ice – Did you see the “Miracle on Ice” live (tape delayed) in 1980?
I don't think so. If I did I don't remember it.

Justice – Did you watch any of the famous O.J. Simpson chase down the freeway?
I watch it for about ten seconds then wondered how this slow motion escapade was even news.

King of the Thriller – Favorite Hitchcock movie?
I did not see them all so I really cannot say. I liked The Birds, but some others were just too creepy for me.

Laettner – Did you see Duke’s Christian Laettner make the winning shot against Kentucky?
Huh? This is in a language I have not yet decoded :)

MP3 Player – Do you own one?
No, I don't think I have any real use for one.

Never get enough – Which movie have you watched the most times and how many times have you seen it?
I think I have answered this one. I just don't repeat a lot of movies even, or especially, if I love them.

Opie – Opie or the Beaver?
I never liked either show!

Pride and Prejudice – Do you prefer A&E or 2005 release?
I didn't see the A&E one yet but I just saw the one with Ms. Knightly the other night. I really liked it.

Quality – Best TV show of all time?
I am going crazy over 24 these days so I won't answer this one yet. I think the best may be yet to come.

Remote control – Who is in charge in your house?
My sweetie, he has got that setup so complicated I am liable to set off something at NASA if I play with it.

Super Bowl – Game or commercials?

Television – How many in your house?
*hiding head* Four and there are only two of us in the house. We only watch one at a time though!

Ultimate – Who is your favorite movie star?
Grace Kelly, she always looked so gracious and elegant.

Victory – The best sporting event/game you’ve watched live on TV?
The Red Sox winning the World Series!

Walkman – Did you ever own a Sony Walkman?
Yes. But I hardly used it which is why I won't get an Mp3 player. It would likely suffer the same fate.

X – Movie you wish you had never watched?
Tons! My favorite cousin (3 years older than me) was a big horror movie fan growing up. I would watch with her all the time til they had no effect on me at all. Once I went away to college I stopped watching and now anything the least bit scary makes me twitch!

Yesterday – How many hours of media did you consume?
There is usually classical music playing in the background when I work. At home probably 1 1/2 hours of TV - commercials using the DVR.

ZZZ’s – Best music to fall asleep?
None, I will stay up listening if I play music. I can't tune it out.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oh! The Many Blogs I Read

I have to admit the majority of the time I spend on the net is spent reading blogs. I love that there are so many godly women out there giving of themselves through their writings on various subjects while at the same time managing their homes and children. It is so inspirational!

Now if anyone should happen to read this fledgling blog o'mine, should a person ask permission before linking to another blog? As in putting another person's blog title in the list of blogs I read? Granted, doing so would mean I have to learn that whole linking procedure but I just wanted to make sure first it is allowable! I am on a mission to find a good manual and learn how spruce this place up too!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ahhhh...Nap Time

As much fun as little miss T is I have to admit I look forward to nap time. I imagine that if I were home with little ones of my own my break during this time would be well shortened with other things that need doing. Even at work I think sometimes of the things I would love to be getting done at home. As it is nap time is my tea break, blog reading (now writing) time, meal prep for freezing or dinner, and T's laundry time. My duties at work only pertain to things for the child I am working with but meals I make for T are usually large enough for the parents to eat too. A bitty babe can only eat so much :).

I only had trouble putting T down for naps when I first started working with her when she was 16 months old. Her parents were in the habit of rocking her to sleep (which I do not do) and were very flexible as to when they were putting her down for naps, whereas I schedule meals and naps. The first day, she did not like the new system and let us know. The next day she fussed a little less. Day three she decided she liked it and her dad who is home days came out of his office in amazement because she was asleep after 15 minutes of cheerful chatting to herself.

She is very used to this now and I enjoy the pre-nap routine too. She picks out a few books to read together on the rocker. We sit read, chat, tickle then pop her into her crib at which time she waves me bye-bye. I listen to her babbling on the monitor while I have my tea and usually in 15-30 minutes she is asleep. When she is not I know there is a good reason, most often a diaper issue :P.

I know her parents still try to rock her to sleep both at nap and bed time. I usually hear the trials of this on Monday mornings. She falls asleep on their shoulder, they try to put her down and she wakes up very upset. If it is night time the result is that she will end up in their bed, waking several times throughout the night. I have explained to them my methods and the whys of doing it the way I do.

I always try to keep in mind when touching on subjects like this with parents that I have no control over whether the parents of a child I care for will take my advise. Some parents do listen and some don't. A nanny must be a careful diplomat and not take these things personally. Many parents get overwhelmed by crying children but years and experience change that.

Ah well...when the temptation comes to give in to childish manipulations I remember a saying I heard growing up that translated would mean "the monkey knows the tree it climbs." I will leave it at that.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My First Bloggy Murmurings

I have been thinking of doing this for a while as I love reading blogs and often have thoughts of what I would write about on a blog of my very own! I kept thinking I would start this once I had my "stuff" all together... whatever that meant. It still is not all together but I am slowly accepting that in this process called life it very likely never will be. So it is now or never!

I guess I will start this off with a little about me. I am a thirty-ish-ish-ish Nanny currently caring for one little one, little miss T. She is an adorable almost two year old, just heading into my favorite stages to work with. I love pre-schoolers! It is my second time ever working with a single child as I have usually worked with two or more. This is actually an adjustment. When working with an only child so much more care has to be taken not to over indulge. It is easy to become merely an entertainer of sorts, but this will only eventually wear me out and it does no good for the child either.

Her parents, contrary to what some might think about parents who hire nannies, are loving and involved with T. Her father works mostly from home, actually. Her mother works mostly out of the home but no more than most people do these days.

When hiring me they asked what my opinion was of the various forms of child care. I was honest. I let them know that it is my strong belief that the very best child care comes in the form of the mother staying home to care for her own little ones. No amount of money can replace the love, care, and permanency, of a child's own mother caring for them. Next in line is another member of the child's family, father, grandmother, aunt, etc. Again, I believe familial love and care is irreplaceable. Gone are the days when a nanny or governess spent a lifetime with one family. I, personally, would not choose to go back to that as it is my desire to have my own family someday. The consequence then is that the very necessary sense of stability and permanency is gone once someone is hired to take on the care of children. It will always be temporary. So, a nanny is a distant third choice in my opinion. Despite this talk I was hired, so I do my best to provide the best possible care and early education I can.

Well, I have lots of other interests besides my work but I will let all that unfold with time. Otherwise, this first post will soon become a book! ;)

Take care and many blessings to you and yours!